Australia Post will move their Melbourne Support Centre to a new Charter Hall building in Burnley, 480 Swan Street, designed by Cox Architects.
As part of the development, Charter Hall engaged Broached Consulting to prepare a public art strategy for the building, and commission a number of public art works.
The resulting Cultural Strategy identifies the opportunities for public art commissions, visible from within and outside 480 Swan Street. The following are confirmed and in process:
- Permanent sculptural commission for the corner of Swan and Burnley Streets
- Maquette of the permanent sculptural commission for the ground-floor foyer of 480 Swan Street
- Mural wall-treatment for the curved wall of the ground-floor foyer of 480 Swan Street
- End of Trip Windows vinyl treatment, facing Burnley Station, viewable internally and externally
The first completed components are by artist and designer Boruk Gradman, whose work now graces an internal wall of the foyer and the windows of the End of Trip facilities.